Friday , March 21 , 2003

This is an inside inside joke. I'm not sure how or why I saw it online,
but a
Web Comic critic, calling himself number 12, had posted the following review on March 13th:
Not so much a
comic as an exercise in
computer rendering of nearly
naked fantasy women, DeViations is notable for its visual success. It's
very good looking. There was an interesting tutorial a while back on
how he creates the comic. But, aside from the rendering, there's not
much going on. A question in the FAQ asks "Why isn't it funny", to
which the printed answer is that it's all inside jokes, but really the
reason is that it's simply all about the imaging. Very download
intensive, be warned!
So, I put this comment about having read the review into the
next installment of DeViations. You can see the date above, and the
next time I read it, there was an adendum that reads:
Update 3/22/03OK, I admit
it! I have
actually been following the current story line in DeViations with great
interest, and it is very good. The trio of (nearly naked) main
characters have emerged into the real world, finding themselves at a
science fiction convention, following the trail of demonic power that
has destroyed their own universe. References to D&D and LARP
culture are quite humorous to us in the know, but more importantly, I
would hesitate to offend the author of such an impressive artistic
work, which obviously requires a great deal of skill and effort to
produce. I can only say to Mr Troll: I offer a complete and utter
retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact, was in no
way fair comment, and was motivated purely by malice, and I deeply
regret any distress that my remarks may have caused you, or your
family, and I hereby undertake not to repeat such a slander at any time
in the future!
Go figure.