Monday , October 22 , 2001

Here begins the DeViations portion of the "Circle of Terror." This
was an idea that I had to interact with other web comics. There were
several of us that had banded together for a while, calling ourselves
the "Fantasy Lair."
I came up with the idea for a Halloween joint project with these
- Every Fantasy Lair Comic would update on Oct 31st with a comic
that would be continued on another site that same day.
- Each Fantasy Lair comic would also be the continuation of a
comic from another site.
- Links to the other comics before and after would be present on
with each comic page.
To facilitate this, I had each artist send a copy of the last
panel from their comic to the next. I started as the first one, and
made a panel to send to the next. When the last artist sent me
theirs, I then had to create a comic that began with their panel and
ended with mine.
The result was a circle of comics, with no end or beginning that went
from one site to another in a loop.
This comic is how I set my comic up laterally through my site.