Tuesday , August 28 , 2001

is the screen actors guild. I was trying to set up the characters as if
they were actors playing a part in a "screen" comic.
As for the teamsters... I was an employee at Disneyland during the
1980s during a strike in which the teamsters union basically sold out
future generations of Disney employees. The present employees settled
for keeping most of their benefits while future hirees got the dirty
end of the stick. It ticked me off mostly because Disney is a closed
union shop, which meant that although I was not a union member, I was
charged union dues directly out of my inadequte paycheck only to get
shafted by the union to which I was involentarily paying dues.
The "Heavy Hitter" is the devil from Hell Sweet Hell. I did a crossover for that comic previously.
are these characters invading DeViations? Find
out here.