Friday , December 1 , 2000

funny? Well, I thought it was at the time. You see, due to various
reasons (ie. cheating) magical items in the Living City Campaign were
verified through a series of certificates. If you had an item that was
magical, you had to have the paper. Players might literally have
hundreds of official little paper slips showing the stuff their
character had access to. This comic refers to recertification
difficulty between D&D second edition and third edition. When the
editions changed, the certificates had to change too, and it was a
logistic mess. Each player was given a maximum certificate conversion
quota - and if you didn't convert the certificate, you didn't keep the
magic item. So, it the player didn't convert their magical cursed ring
- it just disappeared from the campaign.
This is the same model as the last DeVia. You can see more of how I
pieced her wardrobe together from other models in this comic.